General Education Patterns
Which path is ideal for you?
There are three pathways of general education (GE) a student can pursue at MVC. Your best option is determined by your educational goal; namely, whether you plan to transfer for further education, plan to enter the workforce immediately after graduation, or are looking for career certifications.
Types of Degrees and Certificates Programs of Study Guidance Courses

Transfer Patterns and Associate Degrees for Transfer
Planning to transfer to the University of California or California State University system? Follow either the IGETC or the CSUGE Breadth pattern. If a private university is more your speed, meet with a counselor to determine the best path to meet your goal.
General education patterns like the IGETC or CSUGE are specific lists of transfer-approved courses that address basic learning requirements in a given area. By following an institution's general education requirements, students can increase their chances of admission. Private institutions may have different transfer requirements than CSUs and UCs, while specific programs at any university may have additional admission requirements.
The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, or IGETC, pattern is for students planning to transfer to a University of California (UC), want to keep your options open to transfer to either a UC or California State University or if you know you want to transfer but have not yet decided which university you would like to transfer to.
Students pursuing a Biology or Computer Science major want to follow the IGETC for STEM pattern, which includes the extra lower-division courses that are required for these majors or simply for admission into STEM programs. Make sure to meet with a STEM counselor for additional information.
Follow the California State University GE, or CSUGE, pattern if you are planning to transfer to a CSU only.
While CSUs also accept the IGETC pattern, if you are only planning to apply to CSUs, then the CSUGE requirements help you fulfill specific graduation requirements such as US government, ethnic studies, and do not include requirements like a foreign language.
Students planning to transfer to UCR's College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) to pursue a STEM major such as biology or mathematics should follow the CNAS GE Breadth pattern to meet the specific lower division requirements of that College.
Meet with a STEM counselor if you've decided on UCR CNAS or plan to transfer to any school for a STEM major because these majors often have unique admission requirements.
California Community Colleges offer associate degrees for transfer to the CSU, which provide a clear pathway to a CSU major and baccalaureate degree. Students with an AA-T or AS-T degree are guaranteed admission with junior standing somewhere in the CSU system and given priority admission consideration to their local CSU campus or to a program that is deemed similar to their community college major.
Students pursing an associate degree for transfer still need to follow a transfer pathway such as CSUGE or IGETC, depending on the admission requirements of their major.

Associate Degree in the Arts and Sciences (AS or AA)
If you are planning to pursue an associate degree only and don’t plan to transfer you can follow the RCCD General Education pattern. If you want to pursue an associate degree in addition to transferring, then it is best to follow a transfer pattern instead.

Career Certificates
If you are planning to pursue a certificate only and don’t plan to pursue an associate degree and/or transfer you do not need to take any general education courses. However, some STEM certificates do require math courses.
The College Catalog lists required courses for each program of study.
More Ways to Learn
From specialized training for in-demand careers, to learning abroad, to non-credit and courses for high school students, a college education doesn't just entail you sitting behind a classroom desk. Check out more ways to learn at MVC so we can meet your needs and goals.