Frequently Asked Questions
Gaining and Retaining Benefits
If all other steps for certification are complete, once a student submits his/her Veterans Statement of Responsibility form the processing time is 1-2 weeks. However, during peak registration processing time can take up to 3 weeks.
You must submit a Veterans Statement of Responsibility form every semester/term that you plan to collect benefits. Turning in a Veteran's Statement of Responsibility form allows the college to certify you for your classes and place a deferment on your account which keeps you from being dropped for non-payment.
Note: If your home college is Moreno Valley College and you are attending classes at RCC and/or Norco College, you must also submit a Veterans Statement of Responsibility form to the VA Office at that college in order to complete your certification.
You will need to notify Veterans Services at MVC via email at immediately. Failure to do so may delay or affect your monthly payments from the VA.
Note: If you drop and add in courses with the same title but the dates the courses meet differ, you still need to notify the Veterans' Office.
A VA SEP is a Student Educational Plan that is prepared by a Veterans' Counselor. This form lists the classes that are needed, in progress, or have already been completed for a VA approved program. The VA will only pay Veterans for classes listed on the VA SEP.
An email will be sent to your RCCD email once your certification has been completed by Veterans Services at MVC. You may also check on your certification status with the VA by going to the WAVE website at (except Chapter 33 &35).
All prior credit must be evaluated before a veteran can collect educational benefits at the college. Veterans cannot be paid more than once for a class nor are they able to receive payment for a class that is not required on their VA Student Educational Plan (SEP). It is also recommended that all transcripts be on file to prepare a most accurate VA SEP.
The only reasons HS transcripts must be submitted are if you plan to transfer to a UC or plan to be in the Nursing Program or a Program that requires High School transcripts be evaluated.
If you plan to maintain Moreno Valley College as your primary school, MVC Veterans Services can create a Parent School Letter for the school you are concurrently enrolled in. To have this form sent to the other school so you can be certified, you will need to provide MVC Veterans Services with the course descriptions, amount of units, and the fees paid for each course you are registered for. Once this information has been received we can provide the other college with the Parent School Letter so you can be certified for your class/classes.
Students called to active duty can drop their classes, get refunds for fees and books, and receive an MW on their transcript. The MW symbol is not counted as punitive in probation and dismissal. Documentation is required - You will need to submit your active duty or reserve duty orders with an ECP to Admissions & Records to start this process.
Yes, please also contact the VA online through the GI Bill® website at, through WAVE, or by phone at (888) 442-4551.
Only Chapter 30, 1606 and 1607 students need to verify enrollment. You need to do this every month in order to get paid. The earliest you can verify is the last day of each month. You may either call (877) 823-2378 or verify online at
If you are receiving benefits under Chapter 31, 33 or 35, you do not need to verify enrollment.
First, check with your school's Veterans Services Office to make sure you submitted a request for benefits for the current semester. If so, and the school has submitted your certification to the VA, it can take the VA 6-8 weeks to process the EC. If it has been longer that 8 weeks and the VA still has no record of you, contact the VA at (888) 442-4551.
Academics, Counseling and Educational Plans
If you would like to speak to a Counselor about choosing a Program of Study you can make an appointment with a general counselor in the Counseling department on the third floor of the Student Services building. If you would like to schedule an appointment for a VA SEP, please see Veterans Services so they may give you a Veterans Counseling Referral form to take to the Counseling department to schedule an appointment with the VA Counselor.
Veterans must first submit their Certificate/Letter of Eligibility to the Veterans Services office. After your program of study has been verified, you will receive a Veterans Counseling Referral form and you may take this to the Counseling Department to schedule an appointment with a VA Counselor.
First, update your Program of Study/Major on WebAdvisor. Then, submit Change of Program or Place of Training Form 22-1995 (for Veterans) or 22-5495 (for dependents) to Veterans Services. These forms can be found on the VA website.
You may also complete Form 22-1995 or Form 22-5495 online.
Yes. If you fail a course, you will receive a letter from the college Veterans' Services that must be completed and returned promptly. If you do not receive this form it is important that you contact Veterans' Services immediately.
Any member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States is eligible for priority registration within four years of leaving active duty In order to be eligible Veterans must take a copy of their DD214 discharge papers to the Veterans' Services at Moreno Valley College. Eligible VA students will receive an email via their RCCD email regarding priority registration dates. It is important that all students activate their RCCD email address as this is the only way of communication from the college to the student.
Costs, Aid and Benefits
Only mandatory fees (as outlined by Moreno Valley College) are covered by the VA. A complete list of additional mandatory and optional fees can be found on the tuition and fees page. Check your WebAdvisor for outstanding fees not covered by the VA.
Yes, you can supplement your VA educational benefits with financial aid since VA educational benefits don't count as income when applying for FAFSA. All student Veterans and their dependents are highly encouraged to apply for federal student aid (FAFSA) and scholarships. For more information on financial aid including basic eligibility, scholarships, and helpful workshops, visit Student Financial Services.
The VA will only pay for classes that count towards your chosen Program of Study via your VA SEP. If you are enrolled in a class that is not on your VA SEP, the VA will not pay for it.