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Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program

We enhance student educational experiences in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

MSEIP creates a supportive STEM learning environment

The Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) strives to boost the number of minority students pursuing and succeeding in engineering and science disciplines in the initial two years of college. We offer specialized workshops, hands-on experiential learning opportunities, mentoring by experienced students and faculty, and professional development for educators.

Share Your Interest Contact Us

Our Mission

  • To empower first-generation and underrepresented students, particularly women, by providing them with the necessary tools and opportunities to succeed in engineering and science disciplines.
  • To implement effective and cost-efficient outreach and retention strategies that benefit all MVC students.

Our Goals

  • To increase the number of Hispanic and minority students, especially women, who earn degrees in engineering and science.
  • To continuously produce a stream of highly skilled and well-prepared minority engineers and scientists for the local region and beyond.

MSEIP Programs at MVC

We offer three ways we're enhancing STEM education and access, with more on the way.
Notebook of calculus homework on graph paper with a phone calculator

Enhanced Math 1A and 1B Courses

Enhanced Math 1A and 1B (Calculus I and II) courses offer a supportive learning environment with reduced class sizes, personalized enrichment coaching, and student stipends. These enhancements aim to boost success rates, facilitate student progression in STEM, and provide additional academic resources and support.
Multiethnic group of students sitting in a library and studying together

Math Grade Enhancement Camp

A focused summer program designed to improve minority students' success rates in Calculus I and II through interactive learning and enrichment activities. The camp features reduced class sizes, personalized coaching, and stipends to support and motivate students in achieving their academic goals.

Electrical and computer engineers collaborating at work

Enrichment Workshops

Enrichment workshops feature STEM professionals demonstrating the real-world applications of mathematics. These workshops are designed to motivate students to pursue or continue their STEM education by showcasing how math is used in daily professional tasks, encouraging practical engagement and exploration of STEM careers.


We invite you to join a cohort of diverse peers with well-defined goals for achievement in science, engineering, math, and related fields; to enhance your transfer opportunities; to gain new skills and benefit from unique STEM-related support services; and to make professional connections that will set you up for career success.

MSEIP Interest Form

Moreno Valley College's MSEIP program is dedicated to supporting students from groups with historically low rates of eligibility for four-year colleges, especially those pursuing studies in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences.

  • MSEIP accepts applications all year long.
  • All applications will be considered and reviewed, and marked as either accepted or rejected.
  • Some eligibility criteria are flexible, so all interested students are encouraged to apply even if they don't meet every requirement.
  • Make sure to review both minimum eligibility criteria, and state criteria set by the California Community College Chancellor's Office.
  1. Educationally Underserved: Students must be from educationally underserved backgrounds.
  2. STEM Transfer Intent: Students must intend to transfer to a four-year institution as a calculus-based STEM major.

The California Community College Chancellor’s Office has set further eligibility requirements, known as indicators, which encompass aspects of community college experience, educational background, and financial status. Most applicants must meet criteria from both the Communtiy College and Educational Indicator categories.

Community College Indicators

  • No Prior Bachelor's Degree: Students must not possess a bachelor’s degree in any field.
  • Declared STEM Major: Students must have declared a transfer major in a calculus-based Math, Engineering, or Science field.
  • Transfer Intent: Students must have a clear intention to transfer to a four-year institution.
  • Student Educational Plan (SEP): Students must complete an SEP with a counselor from the STEM Engagement Center.
  • Program Participation: Students must agree to actively participate in MVC MSEIP program activities and sign a student contract.

Educational Indicators

  • First-Generation College Student: Students must be first-generation college students, meaning their parent(s)/guardian(s) do not hold a bachelor's degree or higher. Note: Students with siblings who have completed college degrees are still considered first-generation college students.

Students who do not meet all Educational Indicators may still participate in the MSEIP Program as PIESM students if they meet all Community College Indicators. However, the number of spots available for PIESM students is limited and admission is not guaranteed each term.

  • Attend at least three one-hour Academic Excellence Workshops during fall and spring
  • Attend MSEIP events, mentoring, weekly tutoring, and counseling
  • Meet with a STEM counselor once per semester
  • Keep an an updated Student Education Plan on file

MSEIP Classes

Spring 2025

Section Meeting Day and Time Instructor and Room
Calculus I
TTh, 2- 4:30 pm James Namekata
SAS 306
Calculus II
TTh, 2- 4:30 pm Gabriela Maerean
HM 108
Calculus III
MW, 10:15 am - 12:45 pm Sean Drake
SAS 306

Contact Us

Share your interest in participating by contacting the program, its director, Donnell Layne, or visiting the STEM Engagement Center in Science & Technology 101.

Email the MSEI ProgramMESA Program
  • Phone icon
    (951) 571-6979
  • Map pin icon
    Science & Technology 101

Moreno Valley College's MSEIP activities are supported and funded by the US Department of Education’s Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program.



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