Faculty Professional Development

RCCD provides opportunities for full- and part-time faculty to continue learning and developing as educators each year. These opportunities assist faculty in improving their instruction, curriculum and learning resource development skills; to better understand diversity and community; to explore research opportunities; and more.

Compensation is available for activities (often referred to collectively as FLEX) that fall in three categories: professional development, assessment activities, and equity-centered training.

FLEX Forms Faculty Development Committee

A FLEX Event Proposal Form must be downloaded, filled out, and fowarded to fdc@mvc.edu

  1. The description must explain how the training meets the Ed Code for FLEX (listed on page two of the form), any associated criteria defined by RCCD for the FLEX category (professional development, assessment, and equity-centered training), and list the qualifications of the presenter(s).
  2. Send completed forms and any related correspondence to fdc@mvc.edu.
  3. Once FLEX event proposals are approved, the contact person(s) and Sabina Fernandez will be notified via email. 
  4. Upon conclusion of the event, forward the Zoom attendance report and/or sign-in sheet for in-person workshops to Sabina Fernandez. Hours for all full-time faculty who attended will be recorded. Part-time faculty seeking compensation must follow the standard part-time faculty FLEX credit process.

FLEX Event Request Form (pdf) View Example Proposal (pdf)

FLEX stands for Flexible Calendar Program. Full-time faculty use the online FlexTrack v2 system to file FLEX requests. If you do not have access to the FlexTrack system as a full-time MVC faculty member, contact Sabina Fernandez by email to ensure that your role or account is set up.

Launch FlexTrack

Associate faculty members who choose to participate in professional development, assessment activities, or equity-centered training may receive, by contract, compensation for up to three (3) hours for each aforementioned category, for a total of 9 hours.

Use the following process to submit professional development and discipline-specific assessment training hours for compensation.

  1. Send an email to your Instructional Department Specialist (IDS) with “Reporting Faculty Professional Development Hours” or “Reporting Faculty Assessment Hours” in the subject line.
    • Stephanie Allen – School of Business, Health, and Human Services
    • Jennifer Cruz – School of Public Safety
    • Sandra Maciel – School of Communication, English, and World Language
    • John Lee – School of STEM
    • Sabean Scott – School of Humanities, Education, Behavioral and Social Sciences, and School of Visual and Performing Arts
  2. In the body of the email, please include the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your department
    • Date, time and activity [Note: Time = number of hours you are reporting. Ex.: 1.25 hours]
    • Brief description or summary
    • For assessment training only: Attach a self-reflective narrative identifying how you have applied the knowledge gained from this assessment training (Article X.Q.5)
    • If the professional development activity was NOT one offered by the college or district, please attach proof of attendance documentation
  3. An Adobe Sign document will be generated, populated with this information. When you receive the Adobe Sign document via email, please review and sign.

Once you have signed, this document automatically forwards to your department chair for signature, before the completed document is automatically forwarded to payroll to process for payment. No further actions are needed on your part. Please verify payment on your next pay stub.

FLEX Resources

From 2018 to present, explore recorded faculty FLEX events.
Because MVC is committed to free and open inquiry in all matters, it guarantees all members of the MVC community the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn.

Professional Development and Equity-Centered FLEX

Educational equity means that each person receives what they need to develop to their full academic and social potential.

A commitment to equity means gaining an understanding of the intersectionality of social identities and the multiple axes of oppression that have caused, and are causing, people from different groups to be disproportionally impacted.

Working towards equity means:

  • Removing the predictability of success and failure that currently correlates with any social or cultural factor.
  • Identifying and dismantling inequitable practices, examining biases, and creating inclusive and just conditions for all.
  • Honoring and cultivating the gifts, talents and interests that each human possesses. (Adapted from National Equity Project)

Contributes to success of disproportionally impacted students in the colleges' faculty leadership and board-approved Student Equity Plan and includes:

  • Trainings, conferences, and courses from vetted organizations such as CORA and USC Race and Equity Center.
  • Trainings, conferences, and courses from other appropriate groups or organizations approved by respective Faculty Professional Development Committees (in consultation with applicable committees, i.e., Student Equity) with the goal of improving instruction for equitable student success
  • Any college/district-sponsored training, speaker, consultant brought to discuss/consult facilitate on equity-mindedness, cultural proficiency, and social justice.
  • Communities of practice, trainings, and facilitated discussion by experts and/or RCCD employees/equity leaders who have completed a relevant researched-based course or training.

Like all FLEX events, a FLEX Event Proposal Form must be downloaded, filled out, and fowarded to fdc@mvc.edu. The process for proposing events and requesting FLEX credit is at the top of this page.

For Equity events, it's doubly important that the description explains how the training meets the Ed Code for FLEX (listed on page two of the form) as well as the RCCD approved equity statement and criteria, including qualifications of the presenter(s). The FDC will assist in promoting proposals that satisfy the equity definition and presenter criteria as equity FLEX.

FLEX Event Request Form (pdf) View Example Proposal (pdf)

More Professional Development Resources