Borrowing from the Library

Students and community members can borrow materials and resources from the MVC Library. In order to borrow, an accepted form of ID listed above must be presented to check out books, videos, or reserve materials. The full range of resources available can be accessed and reservations can be made in the library's online catalog. Keep in mind that late penalties may apply for any borrowed materials that are not returned on time.

Library Catalog Books and Media Technology Library Policies

Check-out Limits

The materials available to borrow, check out timeframes, and fees vary on whether you are a student or community member.


To activate your college/student ID card as your library card, please bring it to the circulation desk.

  • Books: Students can check out up to 20 books at the same time.
  • Videos and DVDs: Students can check out a maximum of 1 video/DVD from the Library's media collection at a time.
  • Course Materials: Only one reserve (course material) item may be checked out at a time.
  • Computers: One computer at a time.
  • Internet: One hotspot at a time.

Community Members

Community borrowers pay $5 per academic session to activate their library cards.

  • Books: Community borrowers may check out up to 5 books at the same time.
  • Reserve items: Community borrowers may NOT check out reserve items.
  • Technology: Community borrowers may NOT check out technology items, such as laptops, calculators and hotspots.

More about community resources

Checking Out Library Items

If you're planning to borrow from the MVC Library, make sure you know what forms if ID are accepted, our policies for fees and overdue materials, how we handle placing holds and reserving items, as well as how you can place an inter-college loan (borrow items from Norco College or Riverside City College) or search request.

The library accepts the following forms of official picture identification for the purposes of checking out library materials and using computers:

  • RCCD College ID Card
  • CA Driver's License, or other state
  • California ID Card, or other state
  • Military ID
  • U.S. Passport
  • Green Cards
  • Immigration Cards
  • Right to work cards
  • Middle College school ID
  • High School ID
  • Bills for replacement of materials are generated after the third overdue notice has been issued.
  • Replacement bills include overdue fines and the actual replacement cost of the item. If an item is returned within a year from the date that the replacement bill was issued, the replacement cost of the item will be refunded. The overdue fines will not be refunded.
  • There is a $1 charge to replace lost or stolen library cards.
  • A renewal is allowed if no one else has requested the item.
  • There is no limit on the number of times you can renew a book as long as no other person has requested it.
  • You may place a hold for an item that is checked out, and you will be notified as soon as it is available. Items awaiting pickup will be held for 3 days.
  • A hold can be placed on anything that can be checked out and taken outside of the library.
  • Items are considered "lost" when they are past the grace period.
  • Items marked lost are subject to the fees and fines associated with that item.

Inter-college loans allow for students from any RCCD college to utilize select library materials of MVC's sister colleges. If you need a book from the Norco or Riverside City college libraries, you may request an inter-college loan. The book will be shipped to the Moreno Valley College Library and be available to you within approximately one week. You may return the book to any of the three college libraries. Check-out periods and fees apply.

If you need a photocopy or scan of an article in a periodical available only at the Norco or Riverside City college libraries, you may request an inter-college photocopy or scan.

To get started, contact a Reference Librarian at (951) 571-6447 or a circulation staff member at (951) 571-6356.

  • A maximum of five (5) requests will be filled at one time.
  • Technology is not eligible for inter-college transfers. 
  • Holds on eligible materials at Norco or RCC can be placed through OneSearch

For an RCCD book that the catalog shows is available but cannot be located, you can choose to fill out a search request at the Circulation Desk. The circulation staff will search for the item for two weeks, and then notify you about the outcome of this search.