Addressing Enrollment Needs

To serve the needs of our students, the Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force takes a strategic, data-driven approach in class planning, enrollment marketing, funding allocation and program development.

The Strategic Enrollment Management Plan is a guide to help the College achieve its enrollment goals. The current plan spans 2023-25.

The SEMP tracking document denotes alignment, planned action steps, and findings. You may view the tracking document as a spreadsheet or PDF document.

Strategic Enrollment Plan 2023-25 (pdf) SEMP Tracking Document (Winter 2024)

The Enrollment Management Dashboard shows detailed information about enrollment numbers, enrollment projections and FTES information for Riverside Community College District. Totals are updated every business day.

You may save a copy to your desktop and, under the Data tab, use the Refresh All button to refresh the information daily rather than having to redownload. Microsoft Excel is required to view this file.

Enrollment Management Dashboard (xlsm)

The Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Dashboard is prepared by MVC's Office of Institutional Effectiveness and shows historical enrollments and outcomes by discipline/school through interactive graphs and data tables.

This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load. Please save a copy to your local device. Right click on the link and choose "Save Link As" or "Save Target As."

SEM Dashboard (250MB)


The Enrollment Task Force group, composed of faculty, administration, and staff, is tasked with suggesting and then implementing ways to preserve and enhance the quality and service of Moreno Valley College in the community's interest. Workgroups focus on enrollment growth, onboarding, student-centered funding formula and the District Budget Allocation Model. Additional work groups include student retention, student equity as well as scheduling, services and program development.


  • Anna Marie Amezquita, Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs
  • Vacant, Vice President, Student Services

Enrollment Management Information


A concept and process that enables the fulfillment of institutional mission and students’ educational goals. In practice, the purposes of SEM are achieved by: 

  • Establishing comprehensive goals for the number and type of students needed to fulfill the institutional mission,
  • Promoting students’ academic success by improving access, transition, persistence, and graduation,
  • Promoting institutional success by enabling effective strategic and financial planning,
  • Creating a data‐rich environment to inform decisions and evaluate strategies,
  • Strengthening communications and marketing with internal and external stakeholders, and
  • Increasing collaboration among departments across the campus to support the enrollment program.

Source: Bontrager, B. and Pollack, K. (2009). Strategic Enrollment Management at Community College, from Applying SEM at the Community College

Experiential Influences Institutional Influences
Recruitment/Marketing Admissions
Orientation Financial Support
Classroom Experience Academic Support
Co-curricular Support Retention

 Source: Bontrager, 2004